DingDong on Brain Gain at the SSS Website (Pt.2)

Continuation of DingDong's previous comment on the brain gain matter. This time on alleged resistance by the local senior civil service members because the return of talents from abroad may disturb the local status quo. After all, working cultures abroad and how they do things locally is different. Another matter brought out was the mismatch of job positions upon the return of talents, some relegated to junior positions despite their credentials and experience abroad. If the brain gain / Talent Corp program is to be successful, the government should take into account all these matters before going abroad to invite those talents.

Its very sad to hear that some senior civil service members with JUSA rankings resisting attempts by Political leaders to recruit more professionals & specialist from local or abroad into the civil service.They r looking for their member sebulu interest.They do not want competition and feel threaten.What is this crap.As a civil servant their duty & to an extent life is for the Tanahair not pangkat & poket.

DingDong  28 September 2010
I agree with most of ur comment esp re NEM but would like to add my opinion on resistance from civil service from taking professionals & experts into the civil service family.I agree NEAC experts are overriding the function of EPU & many Ministry.Yes politicians main focus is vote but few of them know what is their priority in a public office.To serve the Rakyat at all cost.

When I said ‘professionals & specialist’ from local or abroad, I’m referring to Malaysian experts,professionals & specialist not foreigners.Not the experts & consultants type in NEAC.These Malaysian experts,professionals & specialist will not become DG,KSU or JUSA.They will start working in a grade befitting their experience & skills.Taking a lil bit of time acclimating to environment.

These Msian Im referring 2 are born & breed Malaysian willing to sacrifice their decent and comfortable life 2 help Msia move forward.Imagine the impact to the family as a whole especially school going children.They have to leave behind a world that is common to them and start a new life.New school,social cliques,education system & syllabus.Not to mention foregoing the decent pay cheque they get weekly.

A few of them wants to serve the Gov n join civil service. But they r being told to start from a lower grade not befitting their experience and work skills.Imagine a Big 4 auditor with 6-10 years experience start at a graduate/lower level in Jab Audit Negara or Min of Finance.He could easily be a Manager in the private sector.Economist/Bankers with 10 years experience starting as a junior in Gov Dept.Where is the logic in that?Reasoning – they must be downgraded to avoid uneasiness among officers waiting in line for promotion for years – respect seniority – we sacrificed for small pay for years – now is my time – even if I did not earned/up to it.

Look at the quality of junior batches of PTD who will be the future of civil service senior officers.Many of them are not 1st class honours graduate or employee with the right type of skills.Yes some brainy workers/grads r good in the ‘lab’ but poor at work but the chance of getting quality work from them lil bit higher than an average performing Joe.

Most of the creme from local & foreign Uni/Colleges are taken by the private sector or working abroad.Those who pass the PTD test easily due to networking or dah tau what type Qs will be asked during interview & test. Practice and memorise what to say and when to say so everything looks honky dory and pass with flying colours.

I get few complaints/rumblings from friends working in Jab Kerajaan.The main complaint is Ketua Jabatan/Unit is not able to distribute the workload of the Jabatan/Unit fairly since the really good ones are getting fewer by the days.The ketua2 are scrambling to get the few good ones pinching one from another.

The chosen ones (specifically in EPU) are given too many jobs and they cannot focus on the job.Too many Heads/Chief/Bos/PA Menteri to report to.This in turn will affect the quality of the job produced and time taken to complete.

From my previous personal experience working in a very demanding and dateline based environment it does wear down the body,mind&soul.Even your dream at night is about your job.You wake as if you were working t/out the night.No play all work makes Jack die faster or worse Jack resigns from civil service and join the CONsultant bandwagon.Small pay,heavy workload & many sacrifices will open the door to temptation of benda2 jahat too.

The average performing(not majority) Gov Dept Officers(not clerks) are doing what?Working as an average Joe more interested in punch clock 9-6 while waiting for the weekends and monthly pay cheque and the regular seminars & working trips.They are few in numbers but kerana nila setitik Rakyat hilang percaya.These Joes say kerja byk nanti lupa akhirat.

We need to emulate a proven or further improve the system to ensure high quality officers coming into the civil service & tru the ranks by looking at a few modern countries with excellent civil service system.Ours is good but we want to make it the best until Harvard Business School and LSE teach our model of civil service in their courses.

Start with the intake of ‘PTD’ or management trainee officer etc.Recruit direct from Universities or head hunt the best.Ensure pay is higher/better.With higher quality officers, the civil service will need lesser in numbers in order to get a job done and less bureaucracy which in turn saves more time.

The Gov knows it cannot continue to focus on quantity but quality.They realised that majority of jobs should be created in the private sector.With a slimmer civil service the pay for all officers inc clerks will be higher.Yes I know the private sector is being dominated by pseudo liberals or closed door Chinese companies Mandarin speaking only/advantage.

We need to tackle all the problems at the same time.No more, we do this first then this later.End up high unemployment rate/low wage work among Bumiputera and the majority get frustrated not being able to get a good job in both public or private sector.With the growing imbalance in wealth distribution,what will happen after that,we all know very well.Amok.

Pak Lah & the reign of 4th floor caused many Msian their sleeps and extra time that could be made better used of.We know why, its our concern for the future of Malaysia and our children and next generations.Just like you guys in SSS.We are at a crossroad.Many important decisions & sacrifices to be made.

With the impending GE in 2011.Time is running out.All is fair n lovely in the world of Nur Kasih,Astro & daily commoners life.But in the hearts of many thinking Malaysians especially Bumiputera the uneasy feeling is growing bigger by the day.If the Gov fail to address important issues on time and the Opposition/Opportunist/Anti Unity/Chauvinist group continues to seek power/agenda at all cost,then Im afraid everybody will lose in the end.Menang jadi arang,kalah jadi abu.

-Majulah Malaysia utk Semua,Nikmat dikongsi Bersama-

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